Where are you from and how did you get here?
With a background in enterprise, management consultancy and training for over 20 years, the New Frontiers programme is a ‘natural’ fit. Also, I’m from Blanchardstown Village originally, so I’ve ended up working within 2 miles of the home place!
What is it about business and start-ups that so interests you?
To enable entrepreneurs to make progress with their propositions, from start-up to business. To support owners/managers/founders in what is a very challenging process. The range and variety of ideas and entrepreneurs are fascinating.
When did you become a New Frontiers PM and what inspired you to become one?
I’ve moved around quite a bit within a Programme Manager role. I was at ITB back in 2012 and in 2013 I moved across to work in IT Tallaght. Then, in 2017, I came back to the LINC here at ITB!
In my experience, New Frontiers is one of the strongest support programmes for innovation based scaling start-up entrepreneurs at such an early stage in their development.
What do you feel are the qualities you bring to the role?
Experience, independence and a supportive/challenging approach.